Canvasback & Wild Celery 1/27/14

The Canvasback reported in the Merrimack River at the Rocks Village Bridge today by the Buxtons was in nearly fresh or just slightly brackish water.  Wild celery [Vallisneria americana] is commonly called freshwater eelgrass or water celery and is particularly favored by Canvasbacks [Aythya valisineria].  I've seen water celery in that area of the river while kayaking there.  Canvasbacks will also eat mollusks, aquatic insects and some small fish.

Male Canvasback by Jeremiah Trimble

On Saturday, I searched this freshwater area of the river for the Canvasback after seeing the 1/24 report that Steve Mesick saw a Canvasback in Newburyport harbor.

Good birding,