Bottle Bill - Please Vote Yes!

6 Reasons to Vote Yes and Update the Bottle Bill

Massachusetts residents litter or throw out over 3.5 million empty bottles, the vast majority of them water and juice consumed away from home every day.  These empty, non-deposit containers litter Massachusetts.  Updating our bottle bill to make them part of the successful, nickel deposit program will clean up our streets, rivers, beaches and parks. 

Less Litter!
That nickel deposit has proved to sharply decrease litter.  Water bottles, which have no deposit, are 9 times more likely to become litter than deposit bottles. Studies done before and after bottle bills are passed show reductions in beverage container litter ranging from 69% to 84 and reductions in total litter ranging from 30% to 65%.  While many forms of litter decompose over time, plastic bottles will never break down.

Increases Recycling
An amazing 80% of beverages that are covered by the bottle bill are redeemed or recycled. Studies show that 23% of non-deposit containers are recycled; the rest become litter or are thrown in the trash and are not recycled.

Creates Green Jobs
Job gains have been shown in nearly every state that has updated their deposit system. Many of these jobs come in the recycling sector which produces important, sustainable raw materials to be used in manufacturing.  Recycling creates 10 times as many jobs as trash disposal does.

Reaches On The Go Beverage Consumers
Curbside recycling is most useful for beverages consumed at home, but it's often ineffective for beverages consumed on the go. That small deposit is an incentive to encourage people to redeem their empty containers.

Strong Public Support
77% of the public supports updating the Bottle Bill; we all have seen the positive effect that it has had on the environment with fewer roadside cans and bottles.

Endorsed by More Than 200 Cities and Towns
Updating our Bottle Bill will boost recycling, saving communities $7 million/year in costs associated with litter pick up and disposal.